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Peony Ornaments


Peony ornaments are decorative items that feature the imagery or symbolism of peonies, which are prized flowers in various cultures, particularly in East Asia. Peonies are often associated with prosperity, honor, and good fortune, making them popular motifs in art and ornamentation.

These ornaments can take various forms, including sculptures, figurines, paintings, textiles, and other crafted items. The peony’s lush and vibrant blooms make it a favorite choice for aesthetic and symbolic purposes. In Chinese culture, for example, peonies are known as the “king of flowers” and are often associated with wealth and prosperity.

Peony ornaments may be used to adorn homes, gardens, or special occasions, and they can carry cultural and personal significance. The intricate beauty of peonies is often captured in these ornaments, making them not only visually appealing but also meaningful in the context of cultural symbolism and aesthetics.

Weight: 400g  Dimensions:9 x 9 x 3.5 cm(3.5″L x 3.5″W x 1.8″H)
